Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Tugas ke-3

1.                   Library
Should                  : we should follow the rules in the library if you want to borrow a book.
Shouldn’t            : we shouldn’t speak loud in the library. Please respect others who are reading.
Can                        : you can visit the library every weekdays at 09.00-15.30.
Can’t                     : i can’t go to the library right now, so i open the e-library that can be accessed online any time

2.                   Museum
Should                  : we should promote the museum.
Shouldn’t            : you shouldn’t take anything that belongs to museum.
Can                        : i can see a lot of historical objects in every single Museum.
Can’t                     : i can't take the test because i didn’t come to the museum yesterday.

3.                   Park
Should                  : my father was very proud that I can won thecity park design contest.
Shouldn’t            : you shouldn't let your little brother playing alone in the park without a guardian.
Can                        : you can play with your brother in the park every day.
Can’t                     : I can’t come to the park, because I have a headache.

4.                   Restaurant
Should                  : this restaurant has legendary food, you should try it.
Shouldn’t            : you shouldn’t make noise when you are in the restaurant.
Can                        : you can get some discount from this restaurant if bring your own ID card every Tuesday.
Can’t                     : you can’t order food that is not supplied or out off stock at this restaurant.

5.                   Mall
Should                  : every mall should have program to make their mall exist and make many loyal visitors.
Shouldn’t            : you shouldn’t spent all of your time and money for buying some stuff at this mall just because discount.
Can                        : today you can shopping in this mall until midnight.
Can’t                     : I can’t stay for long time at the mall because I don’t like crowds.